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in-person coaching

I coach clients at a local studio in either Lower Pac Heights or Cow Hollow/Marina, in their homes, or even outdoors. Regardless of the location, training with me involves the following:

  • A thorough assessment that addresses your health, injury and movement history, your current goals, an analysis of your movement patterns and musculoskeletal system, and details the reason you're reaching out for help. 

  • Goal-setting and designing a plan that feels sustainable and sustaining.

  • 55-minute long sessions, at a frequency that we determine best balances your goals, your capabilities, your financial considerations, and your preferences.

  • A plan for what to work on when we're not physically together (manageable homework that allows for our sessions to continue to progress you closer towards your goals). 

  • You'll have access to our program, which includes video of movements and the specific training variables (reps, sets, etc.) so that you will know exactly what to do when we're not together.

  • The option to schedule a mid-week check-in. Clients can use these however they please. We may use video chat to go over part of your homework, or we can talk about strategies that are, or aren't, working for you.

  • Coordinating with the rest of your care team including any medical professional, physical therapist, chiropractor, or movement coach with whom you may be working.


  • Cost per session varies depending on location, duration, and number of sessions purchased. Most 55-minute sessions end up between $100 - $120. For partner sessions, prices range from $150-175. 

  • In addition, each month I accept two sliding scale clients. I do this to make movement coaching and personal training accessible to those who may not otherwise be able to afford it. If you are interested in coaching, but price is a barrier, please contact me and I would be happy to discuss this further.

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